Code of Ethics!! Why we should all have one and why it is vital to the Spiritual and Therapeutic Industry. (3 min Read)

Why we should all be looking at our own Ethics, for the betterment of the industry, for clients and for self peace.

I was asked by my insurers for a Code of Ethics. First thought was oh no!! I don’t have one. Second thought was argh!! How do I create one!!! Third thought was; why haven’t I done this before?? This is awesome!!

The reality of some Therapists and Readers

We hear so many horror stories of therapists who get angry with clients during hypnotherapy as the client won’t go into a deep enough trance! Or answer the questions as they intended. Or readers who give really dramatic outcomes, given in absolution and the client walks away in fear, Or are told they have an attachment or a spirit in their house, with no resolution. Or teachers who charge a lot of money for a course, the student goes away with more questions than answers and they are charged a fee to answer further questions or offered a refresher course. (all true examples btw!!)

To some people reading this, they may think I do that I’m happy with that. What’s your problem?

errr . . . yes; I have come across a few like this over the years!!!

Your Personal Ethos

And you know what, that’s perfect! The whole point of Ethics and Morals is that they are individual. They are what sits right with your values. Those that come to you, and importantly stay with you, have the same values as you. And these show through your work.

There is no greater compliment than a client coming back for more work, or a student coming back for another course. I know I have done my job.

And if you find that you don’t have many returning clients or students, you may realise that your morals and ethics don’t match up with many other people looking to work with those in your industry. #JustSaying!

Law and Regulation

We have no governing body as such. We have no strict law governing what we do.

Those who choose to make the sensible and moral option and get insurance, will find your insurer, as I have just been reminded, will help steer you in the right direction. And membership bodies; I am personally a member of the UK Reiki Federation, will instil that even further.

But this should be the way. Restriction on Spiritual belief particularly, (therapies is a different matter to a certain extent), has become toxic over the centuries due to the restriction of the Spiritual pathway. A pathway which is always personal in my opinion and should never be restricted by anyone else. Discussion, philosophy and theology, are all absolutely essential to the growth and expansion that is facilitated by the Spiritual journey. But restrictions, rules and absolutes; never in my opinion. (I have noted the irony of my absolute 😉 )

The Laws of the Universe; balance and the rule of three fold

Making Positive a Reality

And actually by putting out a code of ethics, I am doing the only thing I can morally and literally do. Many of us want to read the riot act to those that are morally questionable. But I am fed up of being angry about stuff over which I have no control. It is toxic and it takes energy I could put to better use elsewhere.

We all know we can’t control the uncontrollables. And the only thing I can control is myself (don’t ask me if that remains true on a Friday night 😉 ). And so a personal Code of Ethics is a really good way of letting potential clients and students know what to expect from me, and even that this is on my radar. It also allows others to state what they believe to be fair and true.

And those of us that work with energy know that stating something to the Universe, carries a huge amount of energetic influence and power. Like any prayer or spell, like any incantation, this as energetic principle behind it.

And of course it is a reflection of me. I learned a long time ago to stand in the power of who I am as a therapist. If you’re looking for someone very clinical, you won’t resonate with me. If you are looking for a salon type, again you’re going to pass over me. But if you understand that the power of your Spirit, of your Soul and of your Mind are all entwined, and that this power continues long after you are dead, and is created in a space that existed long before humanity did, then you are going to enjoy working with me. I am both logical and spiritual. I am both human and spirit. And that balance flows through everything I do.

I looked through some similar industry’s codes, some teaching codes, I looked at the movements that I associate myself with, and added and took away what I needed to create something that suited me personally.

The more of us that are active in stating what we do which is amazing, the more others will reflect on what they do, and also stand in the power of their own Ethics. And so it unfolds exponentially out.

And it will become unusual for someone to not have a statement. Those that do not take the time to look at their morals, will be the ones that stand out.

what sort of a Spiritual leader do you want to be or to see?

I would love to hear if this makes you think differently about how you state your work, or if your industry could do with the same.

Or if as a client, this sort of an approach makes you feel more confident and stable.

My statement is below!

Till next time my friends.

Love as always

Rachael x

My Code of Ethics

As a Master and teacher of Reiki, and other healing disciplines, as a Spiritual Teacher and as a Hypnotherapist. I will:

  • Conduct myself in a professional and conscientious manner. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that I live up to any commitments I make to my students or to the public, and ensuring that my practices and behaviour conform to the representations I make about myself in holding myself out as a Reiki Master and Teacher, as a therapist and as a Spiritual Teacher who adheres to certain precepts.
  • Acknowledge the limitations of my skills and scope of practice and where appropriate, refer clients and students to seek alternative instruction, advice, treatment or direction.
  • Create and maintain a safe, clean and comfortable environment for my practice and my teaching.
  • Encourage diversity by respecting all clients and students regardless of age, physical limitations, race, creed, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and privacy of all clients and students.
  • Avoid words and actions that constitute sexual harassment or harassment based on other legal protected characteristics.
  • Adhere to the traditional Reiki principles as written by Usui and the Spiritualist Principles.
  • Follow all regulation and law that pertain to my teaching and practice.
  • Demonstrate respect for spiritual and cultural values, diversity, social justice, freedom, democracy and the environment
  • Be motivated by the best interests of the client and student entrusted to my care.
  • Be a positive influence, use professional judgement and empathy in practice.
  • Educate and inform my students and clients.
  • Be honest, reliable and demonstrate integrity, through moral action in my professional commitments, responsibilities and actions.

Usui’s Reiki Principles:

  • Just for today, do not be angry.
  • Just for today, do not worry.
  • Just for today, be grateful.
  • Just for today, work with diligence.
  • Just for today, be kind to people.

Spiritualist Principles (amended for modern Spiritualism)

  • The Guidance of the Divine
  • The Fellowship of Mankind
  • The Communion of Spirit and the Ministry of Higher Beings
  • Continuous Existence of the Human Soul
  • Personal Responsibility; the Natural Law of Cause and Effect
  • Eternal Expansion and Growth of the Mind and Soul

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