Autism; how do i know?

I get asked a lot as a parent of autistic and ADHD kids and as someone going through the diagnosis process myself, where did I start. This is my recommendation for trying to look for the traits within yourself and others.

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The meek shall inherit the earth and all that jazz; my story as a teacher

Pathways, Inspirations, Learning the Hard Way, How I can Help Other the Easy Way, and What I think of people who aren’t charging for their work

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Daily healing exercises; top three!

My top tips for daily healing routines for the empath, energy sensitive, healer and clairsentience. Perfect for Spring; the right time to bring in new habits. Healing exercises from my experience and which I am have developed over many years as a healer and empath.

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Focus On Previous Lives; a wealth of information from within and from me!

How does reincarnation work? Why is it so important in this life? How do you know if you’ve lived a previous life? Or how connecting into a part of yourself you’ve never known maybe the most powerful thing you can do for yourself now.

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Sheela Na Gig Visits the Native nations of Canada; reveal the truth to heal the wounds.

Thoughts from the last few months about healing the Female wound, which is especially important at this time of year, when traditionally the female was praised as both the mother who birthed the Sun (son) and brought back the return of the light. Worshipped as the origin of the rebirth of the World. Here, triggered by the crimes of the church in Canada, reflecting on the responsibility anyone who cares for, Jesus, or has been a Christian of all types, has for them when the church refuses to do so.

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