Past Life Regression; Part 2 of 3. How does it heal? Plus my top 5 signs you are holding previous life trauma. 6 min read

In this part, of this series of blogs, Rachael shows you, from a logical perspective how working with previous lives heals, how they effect your current life, 5 points of how you show you are holding previous life trauma, and in her next blog her personal take, which is slightly differently different to the norm!

This is the second part of a three part blog; last week the previous part was about previous lives themselves! Please have a look through that first if you wish, but they are not exclusive of each other. Part One here! Part Three here!

How past lives heal

There is much evidence that past life regression heal Somatic disorders. Which is a physical illness for which no evidence can be found. And mostly relates to pain. And if you read the Brian Weiss book mentioned in the previous blog, you will see that he found that the emotional disorders his client was suffering from were helped significantly. Modern Western Medicine can find no reason as to why this happens.

Some clients will not remember the hypnosis at all. Some will be aware but not recall much afterwards. Some will be aware and recall some. All of this is okay. As you can see you can there is a range of brain wave stages, discussed in the previous blog, through which we can all access our subconscious. And clients who struggle to relax, struggle to trust or relinquish control are more likely to be more aware. And if you fall into that bracket, I would suggest regular meditation in various ways on a daily basis to help your mind relax. As in this state of relaxation is where our mind heals itself the most and you will gain a huge benefit to your life.

But those of us that like a bit of Quantum Theory understand we are all energy based. (please look at my blog on a logical look at Healing for more information) Our very DNA itself holds so much we don’t yet understand the significance of. And those DNA strands are held together with energy through Hydrogen bonds. And hold within them energy in the molecules themselves. They are our blueprint and the way we move information, mostly for survival, from one generation to the next. And many cultures believe in reincarnation through the ancestral line; which is why Ancestral worship is the oldest and most unifying of all belief systems. And is still practised in many cultures in Africa and the Americas in-particular.

Also what about what all of our brain is used for? In reality we really don’t know.

DNA; science has still to understand the physical and energetic that is truly held within it

Why do previous lives effect our current life?

The theory is that information held in the subconscious and within our DNA is sometimes held there as a ‘lesson’. Something we need in order to survive in this life. But our brain is not very good at determining what is useful, like being afraid of heights or scared of crawly things that bite, in comparison to things which may not be that life threatening. Such as going out doors or speaking. But if your subconscious and your DNA is holding onto an experience where it wasn’t safe to go outdoors, or it wasn’t safe to speak, then it can trigger that lesson into your current reality, when you are faced with what the brain feels is a suitable trauma in this life. And the trigger maybe seem relatively unrelated in this life.

And we are living what our body feel are more and more traumatic lives, as we continually put ourselves through stress and release endless supply of adrenalin and cortisol into our bodies. So we are more likely to have these things triggered in our lives.

We live such unnatural stressful lives, we are triggering more & more previous life trauma

How do you know if you are holding into a previous life trauma which needs to be released? My top 5 signs

In my experience the following symptoms are indicators:

  • You have a very Irrational Fear with no source in this life.
  • You find An Area In Your Life Is ‘Blocked‘ and recurrs e.g. relationships, children, jobs, money
  • You have a Recurring Emotional Issue which you can find no reason for in this life
  • You have a Genetic Condition, or a condition which has effected you since birth
  • You have a Somatic Condition; an injury, ache, pain or illness for which there is no emotional or physical source in this life.

Actually healing

When you connect into previous life, that in itself, the understanding and the energetic connection can be enough to heal the block in this life. If you read the Weiss book I mention in the previous blog, you will see the main protagonist in his true tale does just that. She simply heals through the connection. There maybe loose ends to tie up. Inexplicable feelings or fears or situations in this life, coming forward from our path. Often there hasn’t been a conclusion to something which needed it previously and simply by connecting into it, and seeing it through your current eyes, is enough to bring closure; your current self healing your Soul, simply by being seen through what empowers you NOW.

You can also heal the trigger in this life. And when I work one to one with clients through my Galilean healing (part hypnotherapy and part energetic healing; blog about my work here) that is generally where I go. To the trigger in this life.

But it is just as suitable to heal in the previous life. We store our memories under the emotional experience files; that’s literally how our brain works. Our emotional centres and our memory centres are the same thing. So if you understand that our brain, subconscious and DNA stores memories from previous lives, then it is an easy jump to understand that the memories that your subconscious and DNA think are most relevant for this life, are also filed under the same emotional experiences; whether they are from this life or another. In healing one, you heal many. And getting to the source root cause of an issue is absolutely key to long term healing.

With previous life work, for me personally, there is so much more than interest or a basic healing connection. It is also essential to bring that healing into the reality you are currently in. You didn’t just go there to heal the now, or the then. Your clever subconscious brought you there as there is a part of yourself that you need now that you need to connect. 

What part of yourself wants you to reconnect? Serqet (Serket) – Scorpion Goddess.

I will talk more about what I do which is different in the next blog, which will be out next week. Link here!

Till me talk again next time my friends.

Love as always

Rachael x

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