Past Life Regression; the evidence, the why’s and the how’s! Part 1 of 3.

A logical look at past lives, what regression is and how it heals the physical, the emotional and the mindset. And what you will find I do which is different. Each part a 6 min read. The next two are here: Part 2 and Part 3!

In this part I aim to discuss the fundamentals of what past lives are and how regression works from a logical view point. The next parts will go on to discuss how they heal and what I do which is different.

I’ve lived before? Really?

For some of us, the thought of living beyond this life, let alone before it, is an absurd one!

For others, it really isn’t.

Some of us maybe in the boat where this makes sense and is perfectly normal. Ask the roughly 500 million Buddhists and the 1.08 billion Hindus in the world, and you may find you’re the one being given an odd look when you have questions.

Although there is much theological and philosophical conjecture there is wiggle room in both Islam and Judaism for such beliefs. And for those of you that aware that the One God of the Christian church is the same One God for both of these faiths, then there maybe wiggle room within Christianity. I say may. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that movements within the Catholic church over the centuries tried to open the church up to the belief in reincarnation, (and let’s remember from about the 3rd Century and the 16th Century, Catholicism was the only Christian church). These tended to be squashed quite rapidly by the Vatican and the infamous Spanish Inquisition.

Other more modern (as in only a couple of hundred year old) Christians religions such as Mormonism, have a belief in a before life, leaving it open to a previous life.

So when we look at this subject from the traditionally closed Western view that the Catholic church adhered to, and later the Protestant churches perpetuated, are we not the odd ones out?

And for those of us that are agnostic or have moved away from organised religion, actually doesn’t it gall you a bit that you have been holding onto a belief brought in by a body which a huge portion of Europe felt was so corrupt, they moved away from it like 500ish years ago? (okay, let’s not have the Henry VIII discussion now lol).

it would have been rude not to, right?

The Evidence

So some of you would like to know more huh? But something which is a little tangible to get us going? Okay.

The wonderful thing about the way in which past lives work, is that they are in the past. And in some instances this provides actual evidence. A book called Yesterday’s Children by Jenny Cockell talks about the evidence she gathered when proving a previous life she never forgot. And there are many examples and studies into children who have not forgotten previous lives. This article about a 3 year old who solves a murder from him previous life is not only fascinating in terms of the previous life information, but delves into the discussion that science’s approach to evidence in fact hinders itself.

There is a lot of clinical study into past life regression itself through hypnotherapy. Which is amazing as many clinical practices audibly record sessions as well as note them. I personally studied to be a hypnotherapist to do past life regression (you don’t have to be a hypnotherapist to call yourself a past life regressionist, but for me it’s a must). And infact the art of Past Life Regression was discovered accidentally through standard hypnotherapy sessions. Where clients were taken back to a point in their life where the current issue had been created, they did not go back to this life, but began to describe another life. Through no prompting, understanding or even belief from the therapist.

Look at the work of individuals such as Dolores Cannon and Michael Newton. I would recommend a book called Many Masters Many Lives by Brian Weiss; where a clinical hypnotherapist and psychologist, with no belief, had his life turned upside down by one client. A client who’s own healing journey is amazing.

What is Regression?

When you go into a very relaxed state, some will call it a trance, others will call it a meditative state, you can recall information easier. We can only hold something like 7- 9 pieces of information in our conscious mind at once (more only if it is a subject you are obsessed with!). Try it now. Try to recall as many Premiership Football teams if you are not that into football. Or countries in Africa (unless you live in Africa!). And don’t google it lol.

But when you look at what google gives you (I know you’ll do it!) you’ll be kicking yourself, telling yourself of course I knew that country or that team! Why didn’t I think of it?

Because your conscious draws what it can from the subconscious at the time. Which is only a limited working space. But what if we could access the subconscious and retrieve all of the information we have ‘forgotten’? Well that can be done! Through hypnosis.

Don’t worry; a hypnotherapist is not going to make you think you’re a chicken! Interestingly Paul McKenna regrets a lot of his stage work and has made it his mission to show how amazing a tool hypnosis is at changing your mindset and healing. His books are well worth a read.

The Science

A hypnotherapist will help you relax enough to access your subconscious mind. What many of us do in meditation. We live and work in Gamma (25-100hz) and Beta (12-33hz). As we get older we struggle more and more to relax and get into the lower brain waves of Alpha (8-13hz) and Theta (3.5-8hz). Theta is deep relaxation and light, dreamy sleep. Alpha is awake relaxation. If you can get yourself into around that 8hz brain wave state, you can be awake but balancing between sleep and wakefulness. And that is the job of a hypnotherapist. As it is in these two latter stages of light relaxation to light sleep where we access the subconscious readily.

It is then their job to lead you through a scenario where either your brain is re-mapped, to help with physical, emotional and mental healing, or led into a regression. Which can also be used for physical, emotional and mental healing!

Photo by travis blessing on

In next weeks instalment I intend to show you how regression heals, link here, and then I will complete the series with a look at why what I do is slightly different. Please subscribe to my blog to get a reminder when the next blog comes out, if you enjoy my topics and style! (there should be a button to do so some where around here!).

I offer one to one regression, and also regression in a group scenario, so I hope there is something to suit everyone’s pocket. Please check out the services page or the event page on my Facebook page to find out more!

Till next time my friends

Love as always

Rachael x