Past lives; my take on reclaiming yourself. Part 3 of a 3 part blog. 6 mins read.

In the last two blogs Rachael discusses, from a logical perspective, what previous lives are in part 1 here and how working with previous lives heals here. In this part Racahel talks about what she which makes her stand out.

How most Regressionists Work

When we come to stepping away from the way we were taught it’s hard.

As I’ve said in the last blog, past life regression, the connection to the previous life can be enough. In the case of many physical illnesses it can. And many people go away from standard regressions, and even if they don’t know why it’s relevant sometimes. It normally clicks a few days later, especially for emotional and mindset issues.

What I always did from day one was to make sure that the person went away with the understanding before they left. For some this maybe in the trance itself, or after. For me it’s vital to discuss where in this person’s life this regression is relevant after the regression. Directly after the regression, the mind is in what is called a post hypnotic state, ie it’s still very very relaxed and still very open to suggestion and open to it’s own intuition.

Understanding previous lives to understand yourself now

My personal understanding on triggers in this life

My understanding as a therapist and channeller is that any past life trauma MUST be triggered in this life. As I believe, and this is logical to me, that as we know that our DNA carries those triggered genes to pass on information such as it is a time of famine (rationing effected anyone’s parents or grandparents in WWII anyone?) or it is a time of stress (again WWII?). That is being proved. But the older stuff, that maybe isn’t triggered in your parents as it hasn’t been relevant for sometime, or is held in the energy that binds your DNA rather than the DNA itself and it specific to you and not your parents or siblings, needs to be triggered in this life. And you need to heal one or other.

The root cause can be traced back, but it can often be difficult when the previous life memory that was triggered doesn’t appear to be relevant. An obvious association maybe falling as a child and remembering that heights are dangerous. But something like, being told to be nice to someone and not say something that maybe true, but deemed to be mean, could trigger a previous life where maybe you took vows of hospitality as a nun or monk. And maybe in that life you also took vows of silence. And then further impacted maybe something like a huge amount of guilt and shame associated with your gender, or a rape which you took the burden of and were forced to take Holy Orders, as was the done thing to save your soul. Alongside a vow of celibacy and not owning anything. This could trigger a current life something where you feel guilt over speaking your truth or by saying no. And then by association also trigger an inability to get pregnant or to participate in relationships which are balanced. And earn money or get over looked for your work. Yes, I do tend to use myself as an example . . .

Now, you could find the trigger in this life. But for many of us, understanding that the trigger for your infertility was being told to not upset people by telling them you didn’t want dessert, is going to be a difficult connection to make. (yes, that did happen lol. And it was not my parents lol)

The easier thing is to maybe to go to the previous life itself, and get rid of all of that in one fell swoop.

The vital, vital importance is to ensure it is relevant for this life and the connection to why it’s relevant to you. That’s minimum for me.

Freya’s Tears; Gustav Klimt; What energy from your previous life do you need to connect with?

The Extra I do – Deep Healing & Empowerment

However, for me though, there is always one step forward. Well two in my case.

Actually healing yourself in that life, or just out of it, is pretty important. It can’t always be done, depending on the reaction of the client while there (those of us that struggle to face things or to deal with things, normally find tough regressions a little tougher. And so I’m respectful of their comfortable zone and address it appropriately to the clients needs).

That can be done a number of ways. Changing how the scenario in the previous played out in the first person, or taking that aspect of yourself back to your safe space for healing are the two most common ways I work.

I developed these techniques instinctually; I wasn’t taught them. But at this time I went to a Shamanic Healing Experience and I found that this was a Shamanic way of working. I found great strength from that and took it as affirmation that not what I was doing was right, but also the final click in me listening to myself in these things. I was clearly drawing on previous life experience as a Shaman. Both of my main guides have been Shamans of differing cultures. So why was I even surprised lol.

What I also took from that experience was the empowerment that gave me.

I was also doing another course with Caroline Mitchell and Ann Noble about personal empowerment. For me, for a long time, my personal journey as an Empath has been about empowering my sensitivities, rather than feeling weakened by it. And this course really helped me get to the core of it. And what I found from doing this was I was linking into this more and more with clients during regressions. My work through my Galilean Healing, had long been about empowerment. And it was important that I did this not just for this life healing, but for previous life healing as well.

This period in my life allowed me to talk about why what I did was not only important but vital; no longer worrying I had done something wrong as it wasn’t as everyone else did it. Or not how I was taught.

So whether you come to me for a one to one or a regular group regression workshop that I do, you will find the experience not only profoundly healing, but I also hope deeply empowering and deeper of self understanding.

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on past lives and regression.

Love as always

Rachael x