Past lives; my take on reclaiming yourself. Part 3 of a 3 part blog. 6 mins read.

In the last two blogs Rachael discusses, from a logical perspective, what previous lives are in part 1 here and how working with previous lives heals here. In this part Racahel talks about what she which makes her stand out.

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Complementary Therapy; why aren’t you considering it? Plus my top 10 recommendations of Types of Complementary therapy for Whole-istic Health

Rachael shares her view of what complementary therapy is, how it can aid you and why you should find a therapy to compliment your current treatment.

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Past Life Regression; the evidence, the why’s and the how’s! Part 1 of 3.

A logical look at past lives, what regression is and how it heals the physical, the emotional and the mindset. And what you will find I do which is different. Each part a 6 min read. The next two are here: Part 2 and Part 3!

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Code of Ethics!! Why we should all have one and why it is vital to the Spiritual and Therapeutic Industry. (3 min Read)

Why we should all be looking at our own Ethics, for the betterment of the industry, for clients and for self peace.

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Who I am? My statement of purpose for healing. (3 min read)

A little about me, what I stand for and how I can help you. How I use hypnotherapy and Reiki Healing to cause of your blocks, which mean long term release.

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Changing your DNA; Healing through your Ancestors. Change your Blueprint.

As part of her own healing journey, Rachael shares with you the power of hypnotherapy and how we can change the very core of our being; our DNA. With the use of regression and ancestral healing we can release trauma held in our DNA.

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Hypnotherapy and Truly Healing the Root Cause

I stumbled across the magic of hypnotherapy. I was looking to qualify as a pst life regressionist (an area which has always fascinated me!) and I decided to do it the right way. Qualify as a hypnotherapist (note that technically you need no qualifications to class yourself as a ‘past life regressionist’) and then move onto the regression.
So thought I was doing the course to get the piece of paper. And how often does life work out that in those times we discover the most joyous of revelations?
Here was a way that I could really help change people’s mind sets. With Reiki, people often came to me with issues to heal, which were caused in part due to the way that they viewed the world.
The beautiful thing about the brain and the body is that it functions perfectly to protect us. So if we have certain experiences, the brain and body finds ways of coping and changing the way we behave in order to do this. Now some of these may serve us very well as children (when the vast, vast majority of these mind sets have already been created) but as an adult they no longer do. The nervous child with the parent or older sibling who talks for them or is overbearing even; we are taught not to express ourselves. That in order to gain attention full stop, or from parents that, especially in this country, have difficulty expressing affection, you can gain attention through illness or negative circumstances; this can lead to an outlook where you look for the negative, where we completely inadvertently look to become a victim in order to gain the love we so desperately seek. And these are a couple of mild examples; we all know that children who are exposed to violence and neglect, will either learn that this is the only way to behave themselves, or to be the opposite. Passive and silent or an inability to love and care for oneself.
So what may have served us as a child to cope, no longer serves us as an adult. We may now need our voice to speak, our confidence grows often as we grow. But we have an inability to find the words to express ourselves and our needs properly. Or we don’t know how to get out of the cycle of viewing the world from a negative viewpoint so we can never experience the joy that life truly has to offer us. We may desperately want to know how to deal with a situation without resorting to shouting to get our opinion across. Or we may know that we care for others and have an inability to say no, even when it means that our lifestyles and health are suffering severely.
Traditional talking therapies are a wonderful way for us to understand where we have formed these habits. But so many of us struggle to actually make change. And many of my clients fell/fall into this category. Ill from looking after others, who often didn’t appreciate it, rather than giving ourselves any care. Pent up anger and frustration from an inability to express themselves, which is toxic. Self loathing at an inability to change your explosive temper. And my healing was weekly or monthly, healthy, coping mechanism.
Reiki is so amazing in respect that is works on a Spiritual level, as well as the physical and the emotional. So people would make changes in their lives; I just wished that I could give them more, quicker (there is that side to any healer which looks for miracles, believe me!).
And here it was!!
So, being me, I did as I was taught for some time with the hypnotherapy. But often people didn’t want to address the underlying issues to their problem. Over weight due to lack of self love. Anxiety due to the fact that they were looking for the negative in life. I would treat the symptoms and give people the opportunity to treat the cause; but this wasn’t often taken up.
How could I really make the changes that I wanted to for these patients? So I looked again at myself and what I was offering.
Over a period of 18 months I changed the way I worked; to ensure that Reiki clients still got some of the hypnotherapy magic, and to ensure that my Hypnotherapy clients got some of the Reiki wizardry. The result was the Galilean Healing; a wonderful combination of both (a modality which anyone with Reiki 2 and above can learn. Split over two workshops – one to handle the energy and instil a new mindset into the client; the second workshop to take that to the next deeper level for the client. The latter to enable even quicker change.)
But I still needed clients to SEE that they needed to address that root cause; to look at the childhood issues and deal with them. Not in a way that was painful or gut wrenching. The intent I set is that this should happen easily and align the clients back to their true energy; back to the personality, mind-set and life purposes they were born with. And that it should happen quickly. I had all of this but I still wasn’t seeing clients step forward for this therapy.
Then I had a Eureka moment. I couldn’t make anyone SEE anything. They had to see it for themselves. And the whole time I was apologetic and still offering the standard Reiki or still offering the standard Hypnotherapy I was reinforcing the fact that I was happy to work in this way. I was not adhering to my own principles; which we all know weakens everything we do; compromising on what we know to be true in our hearts.
Why didn’t I want to offer it? Scared of voicing my opinion in case it upset others. Funnily enough a test of something I had been working my own way through, on my own healing journey (anyone who thinks they have the title ‘Master’ and thinks they have it all sown up, so they can sit back and relax, are sorely mistaken!). So I made a really brave decision for me; I voiced my opinion even though that may mean that people didn’t want to work with me. Even if it meant that people disagreed with the way I did things.
And I did that by changing my product offering. So although you’ll find Reiki and Hypnotherapy on my ‘song sheet’, it’s offered with a difference, and with caveats. I’ll recommend a treatment you may not have come for, if I feel it is really what you are looking for.
I want to change people’s lives, and it is my firm belief that people want to change too. And you maybe on a part of your journey which means you find the way that I work attractive and appealing. And that is amazing to know!
So please approach me about how to loose weight, or how to manage your anxiety and stress, or to change any mind-set, attitude or habit which you currently don’t find is conducive to the way you want to live.
And I will show you how to do that AND vitally how to make sure it doesn’t rear it’s ugly little head in another area or your life, by going back and gently removing the seed where it was planted.
Love as always
Rachael x

Throw away your troubles; my personal reflection plus a channelled exercise to help you with your own. (4 min read)

Rachael’s own personal experience with feeling under it, a healing gift from a friends guide, passed onto you!

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