Empowerment not protection; truly understanding yourself as an Empath and Sensitive. With ‘protection’ Self Healing Meditation. (4 min read)

This will form a set of blogs aimed at Empaths and Sensitive individuals, empowering yourself through the softness of your abilities, rather than teaching you hide away or protect yourself. This one talks in short about Rachael’s journey as an Empath and as a Sensitive, about how she came to these conclusions about how it really, really works. With a fabulous visualisation designed to buoy your personal energy and raise it above the heavy energy.

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Sound Healing; the Ancient Art of the Egyptians and Greeks. Plus the Solfeggio frequencies and their meanings. 6 min read

A quick look at the science behind Sound Healing, it’s effects and why is works, the benefits and Rachael’s personal take on this beautiful art.

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Past lives; my take on reclaiming yourself. Part 3 of a 3 part blog. 6 mins read.

In the last two blogs Rachael discusses, from a logical perspective, what previous lives are in part 1 here and how working with previous lives heals here. In this part Racahel talks about what she which makes her stand out.

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Who I am? My statement of purpose for healing. (3 min read)

A little about me, what I stand for and how I can help you. How I use hypnotherapy and Reiki Healing to cause of your blocks, which mean long term release.

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