Past Life Regression; Part 2 of 3. How does it heal? Plus my top 5 signs you are holding previous life trauma. 6 min read

In this part, of this series of blogs, Rachael shows you, from a logical perspective how working with previous lives heals, how they effect your current life, 5 points of how you show you are holding previous life trauma, and in her next blog her personal take, which is slightly differently different to the norm!

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Complementary Therapy; why aren’t you considering it? Plus my top 10 recommendations of Types of Complementary therapy for Whole-istic Health

Rachael shares her view of what complementary therapy is, how it can aid you and why you should find a therapy to compliment your current treatment.

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Past Life Regression; the evidence, the why’s and the how’s! Part 1 of 3.

A logical look at past lives, what regression is and how it heals the physical, the emotional and the mindset. And what you will find I do which is different. Each part a 6 min read. The next two are here: Part 2 and Part 3!

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